Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Argument Article

 I found this blog while doing some research about what I might use for Inquiry Three. Something I kept seeing on different blogs analyzing the Kony 2012 video was how the “White Man’s Burden”, or the belief that white people have an obligation to help those who they deem less civilized, was a tactic used by Invisible Children to get support for their campaign. This was argued in many blogs, but this author’s argument as to why this is not a response to the “White Savior Complex” follows logical reasoning rather than pessimistic criticism. “This movement is about how we are all people, and we care for all other people, and how no people should be forced to live in fear or suffer.
It is born out of compassion, not out of superiority. It is born out of power with, not power over” is how the author summarizes Kony 2012. She goes on to turn the argument made by other blogs that Invisible Children employed a racist technique to gain support into an argument that to think that the “White Man’s Burden” is being used is, in fact, racist. Her use of logos  reveals that applying a term used in the imperialism seen in the 19th century has no place in modern charity campaigns.

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