Monday, July 16, 2012

Argument Article Revision

         Now that I have a better grasp on analyzing logos, I feel I can better dissect the blog in terms of Toulmin logic. The blogger’s claim in the post is that the Kony 2012 video was not constructed because of the “White Man’s Burden”, but of a mutual need to help those who are struggling, fits the section in Everything’s an Argument about a claim being debatable. This claim also echoes the text by coming from a personal experience. The author is sharing her reaction to the criticism surrounding the Kony campaign, and explaining how her thoughts on the matter and personal experiences can add to the credibility of her arguments. The author also employs warrants. An example would be her claim that the Kony video was a success. Her reasons are that the video met Invisible Children’s goal of spreading awareness and getting others involved. Since Invisible Children met that goal, disputes about their finances, though important, are not the determining factor in their campaign’s success. The author also does a good job of presenting arguments those against her claim would make, and dispelling them in a convincing manner beneficial to her initial claim. I’m glad we took the time to learn about how to better analyze logos, as well as argument structure in general, because it has given me ideas about how to better present my arguments in the Inquiries.

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